Our Mission
Our mission is to support Latino individuals and families in Sonoma Valley to attain their dreams and aspirations by providing access to knowledge, skill-building, and resources.
What We Do
We support the efforts of Latino individuals and families to meet their basic needs, increase their earning potential, navigate immigration challenges, enhance the pre-school readiness of young Latino children, and elevate their voices through cultural expression and advocacy.
Our Impact
We serve more than 2,000 individuals and their families every year with services that:
Reduce the number of Latino people with unmet basic human needs
Advance immigrants’ safety and wellbeing
Increase the earning potential of Latino families
Increase school readiness of young Latino children
Build community through sharing and celebrating Latino cultures
Our Services
Direct Services
We support clients as they work to address their immediate basic human needs, enhance their life, and become self-sufficient by providing them with information, referrals, case management, and financial assistance.
Family Services
We provide effective child-parent development, culturally relevant health & wellness programs, and immigration services.
Economic Advancement
We aim to increase the earning potential of Latino individuals and families in Sonoma Valley through new and small-business services, English language classes, and job skills training.
Community Engagement
La Luz creates and promotes, free or low-cost cultural events, forums, and workshops to connect and strengthen the Sonoma Valley community.