About the program
The aim of the Latino Leadership Program is to build off La Luz’s core principle of, “Being a catalyst for change in Sonoma Valley through health, education, and financial security.” Also, to extend our founder Ligia Booker’s vision of La Luz as, “the organization developing into a multi-cultural center that addresses the needs of all.” A big void we see in the valley is connecting, developing, and inspiring our future Latino leaders. Currently, our local city and county government elected and appointed positions, and even the La Luz board itself is not ethnically representative of the broader community. We see a solution to this void by providing social networking and leadership development opportunities to our current and future Latino leaders so they can lead by example and represent our demographics equally on a merit-based system.
The Latino Leadership program is based on the belief that everyone has the opportunity and capacity to be effective and that leadership is an observable exercise of defined practices and behaviors. Leadership is a skill that can be learned and honed. The Leadership Challenge is about the practices leaders use to transform values into actions, visions into realities, obstacles into innovations, separateness into solidarity, and risks into rewards. These practices exemplify leadership across culture, gender, ethnicity, generations and for profit and non-profit endeavors
Training Packages
The program will utilize three training packages: The Leadership Challenge, the Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI), and DiSC. The Leadership Challenge is a workbook that describes the five characteristics of leaders and provides guidance on how to develop them. The LPI is a validated 360º assessment tool that measures the frequency with which leaders practice key leadership behaviors. The LPI provides a personal benchmark to work from to improve leadership skills.
The DiSC Management Assessment/personality profile assessment is commonly used for everyone in an organization, regardless of title or role, to improve the quality of workplace relationships. The profile helps each individual appreciate the different decision-making styles of the people they work with and to help them create strategies to overcome challenges when collaborating with people of different DiSC styles.

Apply by August 15th
August 15
Applications due by 5pm
September 2024 - Program Schedule:
3rd Quarter 2024 – September through November
September 15th - Attendees submit LPI to coaches.
September 23rd - Welcome Zoom call.
September 24th & 25th - Two-day (6 hours each) with lunch (9a – 3p)
September 27th - follow up one-on-one call with the assigned coach.
TBD: Two one-on-ones follow up zoom calls with assigned coach and facilitated dialogue.
November 18th - Award ceremony with La Luz Board of Directors, friends, and family
Program Leaders and Coaches
Daron Blonski, The Leadership Challenge Facilitator
Cofounder Enso Wealth Management
Holly Seaton, Ph.D. Leadership Coach
Currently President of the Board Sonoma Vintage House
Jeni Nichols, Leadership Consultant
Currently Steward for the Sonoma Overlook Trail
Nancy King, Leadership Coach
CEO Emeritus, Pets Lifeline
Kory Stradinger, Leadership Coach
Former Executive Director, Sweetwater Spectrum, currently serving on Sonoma Community Center Board
Frequently Asked Questions
The program is based on the belief that everyone has the capacity to be an exemplary leader. The premise of The Leadership Challenge Workshop® is that leadership is an observable, learnable set of practices and behaviors. Leadership is a skill that can be learned and honed. The two-day workshop explores the research-based frequency behavior model and gives leaders a roadmap for their leadership behaviors.
It is a highly interactive and engaging workshop that utilizes lecture, discussion, reflection, and experiential activities and is based on the best-selling book, The Leadership Challenge® that describes the five characteristics and thirty behaviors of leaders and provides guidance on howtodevelop them. The leadership practices taught in The Leadership Challenge are based solidly in research and have been proven again and again for over 30 years. For more information about Leadership Challenge: https://www.leadershipchallenge.com/
Leaders who participate in The Leadership Challenge® Workshop, are better able to:
Identify their own leadership strengths and areas for improvement.
Search for opportunities to take the risks needed for growth.
Express their image of the future that inspires others to share a commonvision.
Enable and strengthen others’ abilities to excel.
Build collaboration, teamwork and trust even in a virtual environment.
Communicate fundamental values
Set and example and “walk the talk”
Recognize the accomplishments of others.
The LPI® is a validated 360º assessment tool that measures the frequency with which leaders practice thirty leadership behaviors. The LPI® provides a personal benchmark to work from to improve leadership skills. There have been over 5 million users of the LPI®. For more information about the LPI® go to https://www.leadershipchallenge.com/
DiSC Management/personality profile assessment is designed to improve the quality of workplace relationships. The profile helps each individual appreciate the different decision-making styles of the people they work with and to help them create strategies to overcome challenges when collaborating with people of different DiSC styles.
September 24
Orientation and Introduction to Leadership
Overview of the Five Practices
Understanding their reports; The LPI and DiSC
Model the Way module.
Inspire a Shared Vision module.
September 25Check in and review.
Enable Others to Act module.
Challenge the Process module.
Encourage the Heart module.
Review and community leadership discussion
Commitments and Next Steps
3rd Quarter 2024—September to November
September 3—Zoom Intro to LPI®
September 17—one-on-one LPI® coaching session with assigned leadership coach
September 24 & 25—Two-day (6 hours each) Leadership Challenge® Workshop with lunch
October 1—Follow-up one-on-one call with assigned leadership coach
November 18—Award ceremony with La Luz Board of Directors, community representatives, family and friends
Participants in this program are generally mid career. They are self-identified as Latinx and can be professionals, managers, supervisors, business owners, health care workers. . .anyone that wants to be a better leader in their business, community or home life. What is the cost? There is no cost for the participant. It’s our hope that employers will support their employee’s leadership development and give them the time off with pay.
Daren Blonski, The Leadership Challenge Facilitator
Since 2006, Daren Blonski has passionately facilitated The Leadership Challenge Workshop at UC Davis, Sonoma State, and with other clients. He is co-founder of Sonoma Wealth Advisors and brings relevant experience and expertise to his clients and is a Certified Financial Planner™.Holly Seaton, Ph.D. Leadership Coach
Holly is coaching Practice Leader with Flashpoint Leadership in Sonoma where she focuses on LPI feedback, leader follow-up, and leadership next-steps and best practices. Holly has been an active member of Sonoma Valley Rotary Club for over fifteen years and is currently President of the Board of the Vintage House.
Nancy King, Leadership Coach
Nancy is the newly retired CEO of Pets Lifeline in Sonoma, CA. Nancy had been with the organization since April 2009, spending 15 years at the helm and shepherding the
Kory Stradinger, Leadership Coach
Kory brings a wealth of business leadership experience from both for profit and nonprofit organizations. His most recent position was Executive Director of Sweetwater Spectrum, a nationally recognized permanent residence and farm for autistic adults in the town of Sonoma, Ca. Prior to taking his skills to the non-profit sector, Kory’s career included 20 years in strategic planning, operational and financial roles for both corporate and start-up organizations. Kory earned his MBA in Finance from U.C. Davis and a BA in Communications from CSU, Chico.organization through years of significant growth including the building of a new 8500 square foot facility. Previous to her work at Pets Lifeline, Nancy had a 25-year career in the film industry as a Production Supervisor and Coordinator on such films as, Fried Green Tomatoes, Up, Close & Personal, The Mighty Ducks 1 & 2, The Rock, Armageddon, The Mask of Zorro and many more.
Terri Updegraff, Leadership Coach
Terri Updegraff is currently a financial advisor at Sonoma Wealth Advisors, specializing in helping small businesses with their 401(k) needs. She is a trained facilitator with The Leadership Challenge® and an LPI® Trained Coach and has worked with the Everything DiSC Workplace®. She has a BA in business administration and a Master's in organization development.
Jeni Nichols, Consultant
Jeni founded Sonoma Leadership Systems and with her team of Leadership Challenge® certified facilitators and coaches provided world class leadership development to multi-national corporations, government, and non-profits. After selling the business to Flashpoint Leadership she has been pursuing leadership development with emerging leaders in Sonoma Valley. She serves as a Steward on the Sonoma Overlook Trail and leads hikes in the community.
For more specific information about the Latino Leadership program, please email Jeni Nichols at jeninichols@icloud.com or Nancy King at kingnancy56@gmail.com